Practical Online Learning in Digital Tech for Universities
Practical Online Learning in Digital Tech for Universities
We offer university-level online learning. It's different from simple training. It is about the development of the practical knowledge and skills that digital tech and IT professionals need. But it also calls for critical thinking and a sense of enquiry, where students become rounded, reflective practitioners, aware of the bigger picture through exposure to research findings and industry best practice.
We help students learn in the best way: by doing. Practice makes perfect. Unlike many university courses, we don't force students into a passive learning mode with tedious lectures. And unlike much online learning, we don't ask students to plough through what are essentially online textbooks. Instead we use engaging, practical cases and scenarios with active learning, so students acquire professional skills in the proper business context.
We offer up-to-date education in key digital tech and IT specialisms. Digital technology is a fast-moving field; it's important to keep up. We use industry experts and experienced educators to craft accessible and appealing learning experiences—helping students acquire the workplace-ready skills they will need to operate as effective digital tech and IT professionals. Read more